Getting started
PrefaceTable Of ContentsHow to Contribute?Chapter 1
Understanding MicroschoolingSuggested Readings (Chapter 1)Chapter 2
Why Choose Microschooling?Suggested Readings (Chapter 2)Chapter 3
Starting Your Own MicroschoolSuggested Readings (Chapter 3)Chapter 4
Choosing The CurriculumSuggested Readings (Chapter 4)Chapter 5
Using Technology (& AI) WellSuggested Readings (Chapter 5)Chapter 6
Pedagogy For ParentsSuggested Readings (Chapter 6)Chapter 7
Choosing the Right PlaceSuggested Readings (Chapter 7)Chapter 8
Bringing in the Best TeachersSuggested Readings (Chapter 8)Chapter 9
Marketing Your MicroschoolSuggested Readings (Chapter 9)Chapter 10
Managing Your School's MoneySuggested Readings (Chapter 10)Chapter 11
Benefits Of MicroschoolingSuggested Readings (Chapter 11)Chapter 12
Overcoming ChallengesSuggested Readings (Chapter 12)Conclusion
Looking Back & Moving ForwardExtra Resources
Help for Starting Your SchoolStories of Successful MicroschoolsSuggested Readings (Chapter 12)
- Unveiling Truth - In this podcast episode, Mackenzie Oliver, the speaker shares her struggles and painful hardships in running a microschool and provides tips on overcoming common challenges.
- Acts and Regulations (India) - This website, a part of the Ministry of Education in India provides information about the acts, notifications, and regulations any educational institution should follow.
- Managing Finances - Entab's article offers insights and ideas on how schools can effectively manage their finances.