Microschooling Handbook

Welcome To The Microschooling Handbook

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We started a microschool in Mumbai after not finding a great school that checked off all our boxes. Comini is two years old now and one of the best decisions of our lives. We love microschooling and the possibilities it offers to let kids be kids, to enjoy their childhood, and to personalize their learning.
This handbook is our attempt to share this knowledge with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at sai@comini.in.
We find that most of the work we did, and the questions we found ourselves answering, fit into these categories:
  1. The BIG why: Why do you want to start a microschool?
  1. Curriculum: What, how, and why should we teach or learn something?
  1. Operational: What are things to keep in mind to make sure things run smoothly?
  1. Financial: What does it take to make it sustainable? What should we be aware of?
  1. Regulatory: What regulations and laws around schooling should we be aware of?
We'll try to share answers to all of these here. Of course, there's always more to learn, and we encourage you to do your own independent research as well.
This is an evolving document. We're still learning every day, and we'll keep adding to it. If you have any suggestions on what we can include, please reach out! We're excited to grow this microschooling community together.
This handbook is our attempt to cover all things microschooling - mainly in India, but also around the world. Whether you're a parent or an educator or someone looking to start your own microschool, we've tried to pack in everything you might need to know. We've seen more and more people getting interested in personalized, community-based ways of learning, so we wanted to create a guide that covers it all - from the very beginning to actually running a microschool.
We've kept things practical and straightforward, skipping the fancy words. You'll find an honest look at what microschooling is all about - the good stuff, the tricky parts, and some common mix-ups people have about it. We've also dug into the legal side of things, so you know what rules you need to follow.
In this book, we explore different ways to do microschooling, dive into some learning theories, and share tips on how to create and keep a great microschool program going.

About Us

This handbook, along with other resources to help parents navigate homeschooling, comes from Comini Learning and Betterschooling. We're here to give parents, educators, and parent-entrepreneurs the knowledge and confidence they need to make good choices about education outside of regular schools. We’ve found that Microschooling and Homeschooling have a fair bit of overlap because of the many reasons people for which people choose alternative education, and how children taking the alternative schooling path can still choose conventional careers and conventional pathways to them (by taking specific exams). You might find information about that helpful too. Here are some other things we've put together:
We're always learning and adding to these resources. If you have ideas on what else we should include, let us know!
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DISCLAIMER: The information provided here is based on our understanding and interpretation of current regulations. This should not be treated as legal advice. We strongly recommend consulting with legal professionals or relevant authorities for the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding your specific situation.
Please reach out to sai@comini.in if you have any questions, suggestions, or any other feedback!
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